Top 7 Mobile App Testing Tools for Automation

Mobile app testing is one of the most crucial steps in the development of the application. Today, in the world of mobile app development, it is essential to deliver high-quality and bug-free apps for its success. There are so many mobile devices and different versions of operating systems available in the market. Hence, it is important to test the mobile apps to make sure they function flawlessly across different platforms. Mobile app testing tools help the developers automate the testing process and identify and fix issues efficiently, so that users get a seamless experience on any device while using the app. PECS is a top-notch mobile app development company that develops apps for Android and iOS devices. In this blog, you will read about the top 10 mobile app testing tools for automation.

What is mobile app automation testing?

Due to the increased use of mobile apps, it has become necessary to test mobile apps on various devices and platforms to ensure their functionality, performance, and security. Mobile app automation testing involves the use of tools and software to automate the testing of mobile apps. Automation testing helps to save time, reduce costs, and improve the efficiency, load time, and accuracy of testing. With automation testing, developers can test their mobile apps on multiple devices and platforms simultaneously, which can help identify bugs and errors quickly.

7 Best Mobile App Testing Tools

1. Kobiton:

Kobiton is a cloud-based mobile app testing platform that allows developers to test their apps on real devices. The key feature of this tool is that it has the ability to test on both Android and iOS devices as well as on various operating system versions. It offers advanced features like remote manual testing and automated testing. This tool can capture detailed logs and screenshots during testing, which helps the developers identify and troubleshoot issues quickly. 



2. Appium:

Appium is an open-source mobile app testing tool that supports both Android and iOS platforms. It allows developers to write tests in various programming languages, such as Java, Ruby, and Python, making it highly flexible. Appium supports both native and hybrid apps, and it offers cross-platform testing, allowing you to write tests that can run on multiple devices and platforms. This tool uses the Web Driver interface for test running.

3. Calabash:

Calabash is a cross-platform mobile app testing framework that supports both Android and iOS platforms. It provides a wide range of predefined steps for testing common mobile app scenarios and supports both native and hybrid apps. This tool supports programming languages such as Java and Ruby and offers different frameworks such as Xamarin and React Native.

4. Test Complete:

TestComplete is a comprehensive automated testing tool that supports mobile app testing on both Android and iOS platforms. It offers a wide range of testing capabilities, including functional, performance, and security testing, and supports multiple programming languages, such as JavaScript, Python, and VBScript. Developers can automate the UI test on virtual machines, emulators, and real devices.


5. Espresso:

Espresso is a popular mobile app testing framework and an open-source tool specifically designed for Android app testing. It is developed by Google and offers a rich set of APIs for automating UI testing. This tool provides flexibility so that developers can customise according to their needs and provides excellent synchronisation capabilities. With this, developers can write solid Android UI tests.


6. Selenium or Selendroid:

Selenium is a widely-used web testing framework that can also be used for mobile app testing. It supports the automation of mobile apps on Android and iOS platforms by using the Selenium 2 and WebDriver APIs. Selenium allows you to write tests in multiple programming languages, such as Java, C#, and Python. This tool can be used on Mac, Linux, and Windows.

7. Robotium:

Robotium is an open-source testing tool for Android applications. This tool has some limitations, such as the fact that it cannot manage multiple activities and has slow test execution performance. But Robotium supports all versions of Android, and developers can write black box test cases.


In conclusion, mobile app testing for automation is an essential practise for ensuring the quality, reliability, and performance of mobile apps. With the increasing demand for mobile apps, it has become necessary to test them thoroughly to ensure their functionality, security, and performance. Automation testing can help to save time, reduce costs, and improve the efficiency and accuracy of testing. PECS is the best mobile app development company that has all the mobile app testing tools for Android and iOS applications.

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